Title II Services

Title IIA professional development services build systems of support for excellent teaching and leading.
Title IIA provides services in preparation, training, and recruiting of high-quality teachers and principals for grades K-12. Nonpublic school teachers, principals, and other educational personnel are eligible to participate in a range of professional development activities as well and can do so by reaching out to a helpful, knowledgeable Learning Exchange team member.

Professional development activities include:

  • Improving the knowledge of teachers, principals, and other educational personnel in one or more of the core academic subjects and in effective instructional teaching strategies, methods and skills
  • Training in effectively integrating technology into curricula and instruction
  • Training in how to teach students with different needs, including students with disabilities or limited English proficiency, and gifted and talented students
  • Training in methods of improving student behavior, identifying early and appropriate interventions and engaging parents and family members more effectively in their children’s education
  • Leadership development and management training to improve the quality of principals and superintendents
  • Training in the use of data and assessments to improve instruction and student outcomes.
Professional development services allow teachers to work toward continual improvement and refinement of their professional skills as an educator.
With Learning Exchange professional development programs, teachers at our partner schools have access to the latest trends and tools for effectiveness in the classroom.

Title IIA professional development services for principals, teachers and other educational personnel includes a mix of hands-on learning opportunities such as mentoring, coaching, sustained classroom-focused professional development workshops, courses that allow participants to earn college credits, and even professional development books or other written materials related to the professional development or aligned to the professional development plan and needs from the schoolwide plan

The value of high-quality professional development activities that improve and increase teacher knowledge of academic subjects are an integral part of broad school-wide educational improvement plan. They give teachers and principals the knowledge and skills to help students meet challenging State academic standards, improve classroom management skills and advance teacher understanding of effective instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research. These professional development opportunities are developed with extensive participation of teachers, principals, parents and administrators.


Funding ensures that all children have an equal and significant opportunity to succeed through individualized programs.  

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Learning Exchange collaboratively works with our partner schools to bridge the gap between federal opportunities and classroom needs.

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Evidence shows there is a direct correlation between physical and mental health and learning that is essential to academic success.  

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