Transforming Lives One Student at a Time

We build student achievement throughout the community and help students learn, grow and win.

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The relationships established by LE teachers, in conjunction with fellow educators and administrators, speak to the core of providing students with the means necessary to allow them to reach their full potential.


Teacher Resources

By providing an individualized approach, Learning Exchange teachers enhance the learning experience in the classroom.



Learning Exchange provides full instructional support through parent and family engagement programs.


Since 1995, Learning Exchange has served 67 schools and over 37,000 students across non-public and public educational establishments.

Learning Exchange provides a full range of supplemental educational services and benefits to non-public school students and educators through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015.

The objective of Title IA, IIA,IIIA & IVA is to support schools in achieving their school wide goals through supplemental services and resources. As a company, our goal is to serve as a resource to school leaders, classroom teachers, families and students to maximize their MPS Title services and work towards the goal of increased student achievement.

Learning Exchange collaborates with non-public school leaders to complete a needs assessment, which is a strategic process to determine how to best serve the stakeholders within the school community while adhering to the Federal guidelines of each Title. Once the needs are identified, Learning Exchange works with the school leaders to implement Instructional Services, Professional Development and Parental Involvement Activities that are allowable under the Federal Guidance as well as relevant to the needs of the stakeholder groups.

Management of Title Services and accessing adequate funding is complex and complicated to administer without a full-time focus.  Learning Exchange provides that full-time focus and works alongside educators and decision makers in our partner schools to administer these programs, support the school, and provide children with a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality and well-rounded education.

“The thing I love about Learning Exchange is that their teachers are not working in isolation. They reach out and are collaborative partners of all our teachers. Therefore, we’re able to share best practices around behavior management and instruction that is positively impacting our scholars academically.” 
Chelsea Prochnow 

Former Principal, Hope Christian Schools: Prima

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